New Pattern: Quilla Stole

I tried my hand at dyeing some time back and got two hanks of beautiful mohair yarn. I was very grateful to Di for hosting the dye-a-long and also for the moral support. When she announced she is moving to Kolkata, I decided I had to make something for her from the dyed yarn. She is a super talented knitter and crocheter, so I couldn’t just make a set of coasters, so I thought of coming up with something of my own. A quick skim through the stitch dictionaries gave me this beautiful lace stitch which looked great with mohair yarn. Thus, Quilla was born.

Pattern: Quilla Stole
Yarn: Lace or fingering or sport weight
Needles: Depends on the yarn weight you choose
Sizes offered: 10″ x 70″
Yardage: ~430 yards

I used laceweight mohair and I think it looks good. I might be biased, though! The lace pattern is open enough to accommodate the mohair’s halo.

One of my test knitters made this using Knit Picks Chroma Fingering and I think the stole looks beautiful, don’t you agree? The long color changes and the lace pattern go really well together. Quilla can be knit using lace, fingering or sport weight yarn. You can try heavier weights too, but the resulting stole might not have the drape that you see in pictures.

The lace is a simple 2-row repeat stitch pattern and is ideal for newbie lace knitters. If you can do yarn-over, k2tog and slip-sts, then you can knit this one. This is great for mindless knitting and the stole will be done in no time.

Happy Knitting! Hope you enjoy knitting this as much as I did.

5 thoughts on “New Pattern: Quilla Stole

  1. Pingback: Free Pattern: Quilla Stole · Knitting |

  2. Frumpus

    Hi, I have a question about this pattern. You have a slip stitch with the yarn held in back right after doing a YO. I can’t think of any way this makes sense, as one would just bring the yarn forward for the YO, then immediately back again for the wyib, essentially doing nothing.

    Clearly I’m missing a key element, lol, but I’ve tried it a number of times and can’t find what it is. Can you explain what I should be doing? I do my YO in the right handed English method of bringing the yarn from the back to the front between the needles. Thanks so much!

    1. affiknity Post author

      When you are working the yo, you bring the yarn forward and then move the yarn back ‘over the needle’, thus creating a new stitch/loop on the needle. This constitutes as a yarnover. Now that the yarn is at the back, you slip the next stitch. Hope this helps.


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